Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Republican Party $4 Trillion Budget Cut Plan: DOA

Why is it dead on arrival? Because it is based on phasing out Medicare and Medicaid, thus placing the burden on the backs of the elderly and the poor. And even if that was done, our debts are now so big that all of that money would not solve what we as Americans are facing.

Worse yet, the plan doesn't address the elephant in the room, massive military spending. Without dramatically slashing those costs, nothing will work. The GOP plan also doesn't address higher taxes, something we must all pay for the spending sins we've already committed and continue to commit.

Just to pay the government's current debt now costs us $200 billion a year in interest charges and that number is growing quickly. It will explode in size when interest rates rise to normal levels.

The good news is we can fix this staggering financial mess if we do it now but it will be painful. It can't be back end loaded over 10 years. And you must get involved by speaking up. Without you, politicians won't have the backbone and no serious plans will arrive until our nation is soaring in debt and in runaway inflation.


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