Monday, January 31, 2011

"Home Prices Sink Further"

In today's Wall Street Journal is "Home Prices Sink Further: Declines Reported in All 28 Major Metropolitan Areas; Unsold Inventory Piles Up."

Dear Reader, If you intend to sell your home, please consult with a local real estate professional but seriously consider acting now before prices fall further. If you are one of millions of people confronted by potential foreclosure, please discuss a short sale with your lender in which the lender will write off a portion of its mortgage to allow you to sell at today's prices.

In any case, foreclosure is a traumatic situation for you and your family. But no matter what happens, never forget you are a child of God, and as such, someone very special. You will eventually get back on your feet and build a better life no longer confronted by the extreme stress you face now.


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