Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Canadian Sticker Shock

My wife Anne and I just returned from Vancouver on June 28th and she described the drop in value of our U.S. dollar vs. the Canadian dollar in one word, "ouch."

As of July 4th, the Canadian dollar buys $1.03 U.S. meaning the Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S. dollar. We have been going to Vancouver nearly every year since 1995, and for most of those years, 65 to 75 cents U.S. bought a Canadian dollar meaning Canadian goods were bought for a 25% to 35% discount, including hotel rooms, food and travel.

But with the U.S.'s endless wars, out of control spending and staggering deficits, the U.S. dollar is not only weak against the Canadian dollar but against many other currencies as well. So as an American if you plan to visit Canada soon, please have a wonderful time but budget for much higher costs than in times past.

And if the ongoing fall of the U.S. dollar troubles you, raise your voice for fiscal responsibility. What you think matters and in a democracy, your government is accountable to you.


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